Stephen Foster youth's golden gleam - online book

His Life And Background In Cincinnati 1846 - 1850 by Raymond Walters

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"Parthenia to Ingomar," 131 Partem, James, 38, 39 Pentland, Susan E., 28, 89 Peters, W. C, 30,36, 62, 71,74,
89ff, 116,128, 132 Peters, Field & Co., 29, 36, 37,
66, 85, 87ff, 116 Peters & Webster, 9on Pittsburgh, Foster's friends in,
28; rivalry with Cincinnati,
Pittsburgh Daily Commercial
Journal, 69, 72, 74 Pittsburgh Morning Post, 63 Pittsburgh Press, 133 Poe, Edgar Allan, 97n Pond, H. Augustus, 37, 85 Procter, William, 44
Rice, Thomas D. ("Daddy'),
30, 61, 64 River boating, i5ff River Intelligence, 21 Roark, William, 30, 36, 6on, 62,
Rose, Mrs. A. D. (granddaugh­ter), 125
Rowan, Judge John, $3
Rowan, John, Jr., 53, 54
Russell, Eliza, 35, 133
Russell, John B., 30, 3$, 104, 129,130, 132
Sable Harmonists, 6ofF, 6$, 70,
74 Sable Troubadours, 61
"Santa Anna's Retreat from
Buena Vista," 94, no
Scheidler, Mr. and Madame, 85
Schweitzer, Albert, 103
Sivori, C, 81
Sloo, Col. A. G., 30
Society of the Cincinnati, 38
"Soiree Polka," 28, 94 "Songs of the Sable Harmo­nists," 66, 74, 92,116 Spaeth, Dr. Sigmund, 102 "The Spirit of My Song," 94 "Stay Summer Breath," 34, 91,
92,94,98,116,117 Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher,
41>46>47>55ff Strakosch, Marwitz, 67 "Summer Longings," 36, 93,94
Taft, Alfonso, 43 Taunt, James F., 63 Taylor, Bayard, 75, 128 Tennyson, Alfred, 97n "There's A Good Time Com­ing," 28, 69, 9on 'This Rose Will Remind You,"
Thompson, Samuel P., 36, 92,
93>I32 Tichenor, M. J., 30, 6on, 62, 74 Tomlinson, Reverend Joseph
S. (uncle), 5 Tomlinson, Professor William
(uncle), 5 Towanda Academy, 85 Trollope, Mrs. Frances, 7, 39 "Turn Not Away," 95 Twain, Mark, 16
"Uncle Ned," see "Old Uncle
Ned" "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 47> 55ff University of Pittsburgh, 4n
"Veteran Observer," see E. D.
Mansfield "Village Belle Polka," 95 Virginia Minstrels, 6on "The Voice of By-Gone Days,"